Faith Lutheran School
An Education Centered in Christ
300 Colonial Club ​Drive, Harahan, LA 70123

Mission, Philosophy, Graduate Profile
Philosophy The philosophy of Faith Lutheran School reflects a vision for our students as they develop the understandings, attitudes, skills, and habits necessary for effective functioning as a child of God. We believe that the whole person is God’s foremost creation. Therefore, we endeavor to provide experiences which enable each student to develop spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and socially in a Christ-centered environment – always aware of the individuality of each child.

Our instructional program is Bible-based and Christ-centered, as it proclaims the relevance of the Christian to contemporary times and situations. Prayer and God’s Word influence all areas of school life. Each child is guided to develop an understanding of himself as a child of God, through faith in Christ Jesus, enabling him to live in God’s world as His child. We believe that each child must be equipped for an ever-changing and complex world and society. Therefore our academic program incorporates high standards and challenges which enable students to become life-long learners who are capable of critical and independent thought and effective communication skills. Faith Lutheran School believes that a partnership with our school families and community members is paramount in making it possible for our students to attain this vision.
Profile of a Faith Lutheran School Graduate
A graduate of Faith Lutheran School:
demonstrates confidence and a God-pleasing self-concept
values and demonstrates integrity, generosity of spirit, and responsible citizenship
demonstrates a growing knowledge and increased understanding of God’s Word so that he is able to relate and apply these learnings to life situations
seeks spiritual, educational, and personal development
anticipates the challenge of future educational endeavors through academic preparation
serves as a positive role model to others by exhibiting Christian values in word and deed as reflected in the Mission and Philosophy of Faith Lutheran School
Historical Foundation
Faith Lutheran Church was organized in 1954. Desirous of a Christian education for their children, the congregation began Faith Lutheran School in 1958 with the primary grades. Additional grades were added until Grade 6 was reached in 1963. Faith Lutheran School again expanded with the addition of Grade 7 in 1971 and Grade 8 in 1972. In 1987 a Pre-Kindergarten for 4-year-old children was added. Lutheran schools are not newcomers to the educational scene. Many antedate the formation of our Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in 1847. Today the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod operates 1,033 early childhood centers, 994 elementary schools, and 63 high schools. Our church body believes very strongly in full-time Christian education. Faith’s Pre-Kindergarten is licensed for operation by the State of Louisiana. The curriculum at all other levels is state-approved. Faith Lutheran School admits students of any race, color, or national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to its students. It is non-discriminatory on the basis of race, color, or national and ethnic origin.
Student Activities
Faith provides extra-curricular and co-curricular programs to provide students the opportunities for growth in all areas – spiritual, intellectual, physical, and social as stated in the school’s philosophy. These activities expand students’ horizons, teach them responsibility, and prepare students for a successful future. Extra- and co-curricular activities offered to Faith’s students include:
Art Club
Acolytes and ushers
Faith has a full-sized gymnasium which allows for sports and physical education programs for students. Faith Lutheran School is a member of the New Orleans Area Lutheran School’s Athletic League and students participate in their program of competitive sports with other Lutheran schools in the area. Participation is on a voluntary basis and is considered an extra-curricular activity for Grades 4 – 8. Sports offered include:
Cheerleading Competition
Volleyball (girls)
Basketball (girls & boys)
Soccer (coed)
Track (boys & girls)
Field Trips & Activities
As part of the educational program, Faith Lutheran School students are afforded the opportunity to participate in a number of field trips, visiting such places as:
Audubon Zoo
The Aquarium of the Americas
local museums
Pumpkin Patch
River cruises
Plays and concerts
During Lutheran Schools Week (late January and early February) students participate in worship and other special and fun activities. Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students are treated to a water day and train day each year. Students in grades 1 – 8 participate in an annual Field Day. Faith students also enjoy performances by The Atlantic Coast Theater group, which visits our school three times a year. Outreach programs from the Audubon Zoo, The Red Barn Farm, the Aquarium of the Americas, and the Insectarium also visit our school.
Student Services:
School Hours: 8:15 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Extended Care Program: Before and After School The Extended Care Program serves Faith’s families by providing quality and caring childcare for its students during extended hours of the day. Before-School Care is provided from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. and After-School Care is offered from 3:30 to 5:30 each school day. Our Extended Care Program supports our school’s mission and is therefore based on Christian values and morals.
Lunch Program: Faith offers a hot lunch program. See Ms. Judy for details
Parent-Teacher Club The Parent-Teacher Club (PTC) is organized to bring into closer relationship the home, the church, and the school, so that families and teachers may cooperate more effectively in the training of their children. In keeping with this purpose, the PTC’s program is primarily educational. Every parent or guardian of a Faith Lutheran School student and the teachers of Faith are automatically members of the PTC. Meetings are held regularly during the year.